January 22
Class introductions, syllabus, etc
LECTURE: Writing *is* design
READ: What writing has to do with design, Writing is the new unicorn skill, Words as Material, What is this thing called graphic design criticism?
ASSIGNMENT: bring in a piece of design that inspired you this week
January 29
LECTURE: Writing about design / criticism
READ: Why I Became an Architect, Why I Write, Introduction to Poetry, Spelling Poem, Pantoum, Sweethearts
ASSIGNMENT: Write "Why I Am An Designer" essay (minimum of 500 words), bring in a few pieces of paper with lots of text (magazine article, old syllabus, etc.)
February 5
LECTURE: Poetry and the economy of language
IN CLASS: Why I'm a designer responses, erasure poetry
READ: Energy and Rue
ASSIGNMENT: Essay 1 "Triangulation" proposal
February 12
LECTURE: The Essay
READ: Far Away from Here, The Nature of the Fun, Shitty First Drafts, Structure, one essay of your choosing
ASSIGNMENT: Essay 1 outline
February 19
LECTURE: Structure/diagramming/outlining
February 26
LECTURE: Voice/Tone/Language
IN CLASS: write essay in new voice, editing exercise
ASSIGNMENT: Read essay drafts
March 5
ESSAY 1: Workshop Day 1
March 12
March 19
ESSAY 1: Workshop Day 2
READ: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, Tenth of December, Joseph Campbell
March 26
LECTURE: Story/Myth/Hero's Journey
IN CLASS: Microfiction activity, collaborate storytelling assignment
READ: The Shape of Words, Can Do, The Medium is the Massage, Electric Information Age, watch video essays
ASSIGNMENT: finish Triangulation Essay, choose essay 3 topic
April 2
LECTURE: The visual aspect of writing
IN CLASS: Essay 2 outlines/editing
ASSIGNMENT: written proposal and outline
April 9
IN CLASS: workshop proposals and outlines
ASSIGNMENT: finish visual essay draft
April 16
IN CLASS: look at visuals/prototypes/drafts for essay in small groups.
READ: Essay 3 draft submitted to Google Drive by April 18th. Read Essay 3 drafts before next class.
Reminder! Thesis Pamphlets must be submitted on April 20 at 5:30pm!
April 23
ESSAY 3: workshop day 1
April 30
ESSAY 3: workshop day 2
May 7
Final class wrap up, course evaluations