MFA Graduate Seminar B

Mondays, 6:00pm - 8:50pm

Steuben Hall Room 409

Jarrett Fuller



Glossary of Terms

Create a list of the core terms that will be used in your thesis paper and write your own definitions in order to steer the discussion and avoid the use of different interpretations from multiple sources. For example: a philosopher may have coined the term ‘authenticity’ differently than an architect or anthropologist, hence it is crucial to define these terms even if referencing one previous definition. You may quote previous definitions for these terms and cite specific examples of how it relates to your work. This may be written or visualized.

Historical Contextual Essays

Write an essay that frames your thesis within a larger historical and contextual framework including precedents in design and beyond. Describe the trajectory of making around the core topic of your thesis — this can include communications design, other areas of design, the arts, humanities and hard science where applicable. Precedents need to be pointed out as particularly relevant to the thesis. This essay may be up to 10 pages long and can include illustrations. (We will discuss in class modes of writing — academic essay, personal essay, process, etc — to enhance your own writing skills and ensure your essay’s writing matches the tone of your thesis.

Digital Pamphlet

Design a digital booklet that includes the glossary of terms and historical/contextual essay. The visual language should match the direction of your thesis and display strong use of combining text and image.

Contribution to the field

Write a short essay about what your thesis contributes to the discipline of communications design: what value does it create for other designers? How does it further the design descipline? What new modes of working and thinking does it add to our profession?

Capstone Proposal

Your capstone proposal will include: working title for project, short descriptive statement, rationale (why it is meaningful and how did it evolved from previous projects/research), anticipated outcomes, methods used, and plan of action of next semester.
